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The Rotary and Me

I applied to grad school on a whim last December and then, to my surprise, found out I had been accepted in March. Every part of me wanted to accept the offer; however, I was faced with the reality that it was quite an expensive program and I was quite broke.

What followed was a period of furious research into every scholarship and financial aid opportunity available to me. I was hesitant to accept my place in the program and continued to put it off as I searched for ways to fund my degree. It was during this few weeks that I stumbled upon the Rotary website and, more specifically, the Rotary Global Grant Scholarship program.

The scholarships offered through this grant program are significant and would almost completely cover the cost of my tuition and fees. I was not previously acquainted with Rotary and, while it seemed like a longshot, I thought it worthwhile to at least try.

In order to receive a Global Grant, you have to be essentially sponsored by a Rotary club, who applies for the grant on your behalf. My first step then was to begin reaching out to Rotary clubs in Dallas, none of whom were, unfortunately, able to partner with me in pursuing the grant. I had begun to feel a bit discouraged when, through some mutual connections, my plight eventually made its way to Stillwater Rotarian – Mr. Kevin Clark.

I met Mr. Clark at his office in Stillwater to share with him my reasons for pursuing grad school and my goals for after. One of the Rotary's Six Areas of Focus, as well as one of my passions, is clean water access. My hope is that the education I receive over the next year will better equip me to join the fight in tackling water inaccessibility around the world. Fortunately, Mr. Clark and I agreed on this.

Acquiring a global grant is not easy and I credit mine largely to Mr. Clark. Over the next two months, he involved four local Rotary clubs, as well as the region, to sponsor my application and contribute to a scholarship totaling $32,500. This is a truly life-changing scholarship to receive and I don't think that I can adequately express my gratitude.

Those clubs involved are:

  • Stillwater Frontier (

  • Stillwater Centennial (

  • Stillwater (

  • Edmond (

  • Rotary District 5750 (

I’m honored to be the District’s first global grant recipient and look forward to the day I can extend the same generosity that’s been extended to me, to others. While in Scotland, I will attend meetings with a local club and get involved in their programming and activities. I admire the values of Rotary and shared desired of its members to leave the world a little better than they found it. I know there will be so much to learn from these folks!

I’ll leave you with the Rotary’s Four-Way Test – something I think is a great reminder for us all.

Of the things we think, say or do

Is it the Truth?

Is it Fair to all concerned?

Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?

Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

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